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Argentina Lithium & Energy Corp.
Argentina Lithium & Energy Corp.
Registriert in: Kanada WKN: A2N7AW Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: CA04016E2024 Lithium
Heimatbörse: TSX Venture Alternativ: PNXLF
Währung: CAD    
Symbol: LIT.V Forum:

Argentina Lithium positive Lithium Values in 12th Exploration well at Rincon West

26.04.2024 | 16:29 Uhr | NewsDirect
Argentina Lithium Vice President of Exploration Miles Rideout joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share positive results from the 12th exploration hole at the Rincon West Project in Salta Province, Argentina. Brine samples collected over a 165-meter interval of RW-DDH-012 ranged from 322 to 371 mg/l lithium. The Rincon West Project covers 5,198.8 hectares of the salar basin, consisting of three property blocks adjacent to Rio Tinto's Rincon Project.

Rideout explained to Proactive that drill hole RW-DDH-012 represents the third exploration hole of the 6-hole program planned for the Rinconcita II property. Currently, the company is completing access to the next drill platform, representing a further 1000-meter step towards the northeast corner of the property block. Samples collected between 48.5 meters depth and 213.5 meters depth (the deepest sample) ranged from 322 to 371 mg/l lithium. Over this 165-meter interval, 23 single packer brine samples were collected from discrete 3-meter intervals, totaling 69.0 meters of sampling, which represents 41.8% of the total interval.

Contact Details

Proactive North America

Proactive North America

+1 604-688-8158


View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/argentina-lithium-positive-lithium-values-in-12th-exploration-well-at-rincon-west-618023196
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