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Deep Yellow Ltd.
Deep Yellow Ltd.
Registriert in: Australien WKN: 481592 Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: AU000000DYL4 Uran
Heimatbörse: Sydney/Melbourne Alternativ: DYLLF
Währung: AUD    
Symbol: DYL.AX Forum:

Deep Yellow Limited: A$79.5m Tranche 2 Placement Successfully Completed

02.05.2024 | 1:37 Uhr | ABN Newswire
Perth, Australia - Deep Yellow Ltd. (ASX:DYL) (FRA:JMI) (OTCMKTS:DYLLF) is pleased to confirm that following receipt of shareholder approval at the general meeting held on 30 April 2024, Tranche 2 of the Placement announced on 11 March 2024 (Placement) has been successfully completed.

Accordingly, the Company has today issued 64,738,565 ordinary fully paid shares (Shares) to qualified, institutional, sophisticated and professional investors and 146,937 Shares to Directors who participated in the Placement, at A$1.225 per Share to raise approximately A$79.5M (before costs).

About Deep Yellow Limited:

Deep Yellow Ltd. (ASX:DYL) (OTCMKTS:DYLLF) is successfully progressing a dual-pillar growth strategy to establish a globally diversified, Tier-1 uranium company to produce 10+Mlb p.a.

The Company's portfolio contains the largest uranium resource base of any ASX-listed company and its projects provide geographic and development diversity. Deep Yellow is the only ASX company with two advanced projects - flagship Tumas, Namibia (Final Investment Decision expected in 1H/CY24) and MRP, Western Australia (advancing through revised DFS), both located in Tier-1 uranium jurisdictions.

Deep Yellow is well-positioned for further growth through development of its highly prospective exploration portfolio - ARP, Northern Territory and Omahola, Namibia with ongoing M&A focused on high-quality assets should opportunities arise that best fit the Company's strategy.

Led by a best-in-class team, who are proven uranium mine builders and operators, the Company is advancing its growth strategy at a time when the need for nuclear energy is becoming the only viable option in the mid-to-long term to provide baseload power supply and achieve zero emission targets.

Importantly, Deep Yellow is on track to becoming a reliable and long-term uranium producer, able to provide production optionality, security of supply and geographic diversity.

Deep Yellow Ltd.


John Borshoff Managing Director/CEO T: +61-8-9286-6999 E: john.borshoff@deepyellow.com.au W: www.deepyellow.com.au Media: Cameron Gilenko T: +61-466-984-953 e: cgilenko@citadelmagnus.com

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