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Kingston Resources Ltd.
Kingston Resources Ltd.
Registriert in: Australien WKN: A1J7JF Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: AU000000KSN7 Gold
Heimatbörse: Sydney/Melbourne Alternativ: -
Währung: AUD    
Symbol: KSN.AX Forum:

Kingston Resources Limited: Corporate Presentation March 2019 - Revised

01.04.2019 | 7:01 Uhr | ABN Newswire
Sydney, Australia - Kingston Resources Ltd. (ASX:KSN) (Kingston or the Company) advises that the Corporate Presentation released to the market on 12 March 2019 has been relodged with additional information provided on Slide 16 "Peer Comparison" (including supporting data sources on Slide 26).

Project Summary

Focused gold company with two advanced exploration projects:

- Misima Gold Project (KSN +70%)

o Scale: a 2.8Moz(see Note 1 below) JORC Resource already in place

o Potential: multiple untested targets over 8km of prospective strike; enormous upside potential from exploration

o Location: Louisiade Archipelago in Milne Bay Province, a peaceful and stable area with a highly supportive community. PNG hosts a number of large scale deposits.

o Proven: 4Moz of low cost, highly profitable, production over 15-year mining history under Placer(see Note 2 below)

o Drilling: Currently underway to test a number of high-priority exploration targets

- Livingstone Gold Project (KSN 75%)

o A highly prospective location within the Bryah Basin with a number of high grade drilling results delivered through early stages of near surface exploration


1. KSN.ASX announcement 27th November 2017, cut off grade 0.5 g/t, USD1200/oz Au & USD 16/oz Ag

2. Historical Misima production documents, Placer Annual reports and Placer mine production documents 1989-2004

To view the full presentation, please visit:

About Kingston Resources Limited:

Kingston (ASX:KSN) is a metals exploration company. Currently the Company's priority is the world-class Misima Gold Project in PNG, which contains a JORC resource of 2.8Moz Au, a production history of over 3.7Moz and outstanding potential for additional resource growth through exploration success. Kingston currently owns 70% of the Misima Gold Project.

In addition, Kingston owns 75% of the Livingstone Gold Project, WA which holds a 50koz resource and is the site of ongoing exploration and a number of high-grade historic intersections.


Kingston Resources Ltd.


Kingston Resources Ltd. T: +61-2-8021-7492 E: info@kingstonresources.com.au WWW: www.kingstonresources.com.au

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