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Spark Energy Minerals Inc.
Spark Energy Minerals Inc.
Registriert in: Kanada WKN: A3EQSN Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: CA84652L2075 Molybdän
Seltene Erden
Heimatbörse: CSE Alternativ: MTEHF
Währung: CAD    
Symbol: SPRK.CSE Forum:
Nachrichten, englisch zu Spark Energy Minerals Inc.
12.03.18 Maxtech Closes Financing
20.02.18 GeoQuest Field Visit Identifies Mn Mineralization
19.02.18 Maxtech Forms New Division In Zambia
14.02.18 Maxtech Signs Zambia Country Partner
12.02.18 Maxtech Begins Manganese Research in Zambia
22.01.18 Maxtech’s Advances Exploration on Brasnorte Projects in Brazil
14.12.17 Maxtech Joins Notable International Manganese Institute
07.12.17 Maxtech Engages Cairn Energy ERA
05.12.17 Maxtech Fast Tracks Acquisition of  Additional Manganese Claims In Brazil
16.11.17 Maxtech’s Manganese Exploration Advances into Africa
08.11.17 Maxtech Announces Positive Mn Research after Site Visit in Goias, Brazil
31.10.17 Maxtech Partners with Maringá Ferro-Liga S.A on Juina Claims in Mato Grosso
31.10.17 Maxtech Partners with Maringá Ferro-Liga S.A on Juina Claims in Mato Grosso
05.10.17 Maxtech Introduces S.K. Sarawagi as New Strategic Partner
12.09.17 Maxtech Brazil Exploration and Operational Update
12.09.17 Maxtech Brazil Exploration and Operational Update
13.07.17 Maxtech Continues Exploration Program on Claims in Mato Grosso, Brazil
06.07.17 Maxtech Signs Strategic Agreement with Maringa Ferro-Liga S.A of Brazil
02.06.17 Maxtech Ventures Inc. to Attend the IMnI International Manganese Institute Annual Conference
18.05.17 Maxtech Expands Phase 2 Exploration Due to High-Grade Manganese Assay Results
16.05.17 Maxtech Forms Strategic Partnership to Expand Manganese Exploration into Morocco
11.05.17 Maxtech Details Exploration Program on Juina Claims in Mato Grosso, Brazil
04.05.17 Maxtech Ventures Inc. Samples High-Grade Manganese in Brazil Phase 1 Exploration
28.04.17 MaxTech Ventures Inc.: Announces New Financing
14.04.17 MaxTech Ventures Inc.: Provides Corporate Update
05.04.17 MaxTech Ventures Inc.: Acquires Manganese Claims in the State of Amazonas, Brazil
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