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Canasil Resources Inc. Completes ZTEM Airborne Geophysical Surveys on Three Silver and Silver-Gold Projects in Durango State, Mexico

15.03.2011 | 15:25 Uhr | IRW-Press
Vancouver, March 15, 2011 - Canasil Resources Inc. (Canasil, TSX-V: CLZ) announces that the Company’s contractor Geotech Ltd. has completed the ZTEM airborne geophysical surveys on the Victoria, Salamandra and Sandra-Escobar projects in Durango State, Mexico, as planned. The three surveys were for a total of 1,717 line-km covering 330 square kilometres (33,000 hectares), and the Company is now waiting for initial results for analysis and interpretation.

President of Canasil, Bahman Yamini, commented: “We are very pleased with the progress of the logistics and implementation of the ZTEM surveys conducted by Geotech. These surveys require precision helicopter flight operations and careful preparation and testing to ensure collection of high quality data. The effective completion of these surveys as planned has been very well coordinated and managed by Geotech’s operating and technical team together with Canasil’s local team based in Durango, Mexico. We look forward to receiving the results from the surveys.”

The Victoria project survey was for 680 line-km, covering 130 square kilometres, the Salamandra survey for 617 line-km, covering 120 square kilometres, and the Sandra-Escobar survey for 420 line-km covering 80 square kilometres. The ZTEM (Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic System) helicopter borne survey is designed to provide unparalleled depth of investigation in precision electromagnetic measurements, and provides data on geologic structures at depth over large areas to assist in identifying the potential for large mineralized systems. Details of the surveys and objectives were covered in the Company’s news release dated February 11, 2011.

About Canasil:

Canasil is a Canadian mineral exploration company with interests in precious and base metal projects in Durango, Sinaloa and Zacatecas States, Mexico, and in British Columbia, Canada. The Company’s directors and management include industry professionals with a track record of identifying and advancing successful mineral exploration projects. The Company is actively engaged in the exploration of its mineral properties.

For further information please contact:

Bahman Yamini
President and C.E.O.
Canasil Resources Inc.
Tel: (604) 709-0109

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
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