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Nova Pacific Metals Corp.
Nova Pacific Metals Corp.
Registriert in: Kanada WKN: A40GFH Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: CA66979J1066 Gold
Heimatbörse: CSE Alternativ: NVPCF
Währung: CAD    
Symbol: NVPC.CSE Forum:
Nachrichten, englisch zu Nova Pacific Metals Corp.
19.12.24 Nova Pacific Releases Complete Back-Pack Drilling Results at Lara
17.12.24 Nova Pacific Metals Closes Flow-Through Financing of $2,640,540
10.12.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Flow-Through Financing for $2,600,000
27.11.24 Nova Pacific Drilling Confirms Significance of High-Grade Historical Trench Results
14.11.24 Nova Pacific Metals Highlights the History and Revitalization Plans for the Lara VMS Deposit
12.11.24 Nova Pacific Signs Option Agreement to Acquire the Anita Property
08.11.24 Nova Pacific Metals Initiates Call for Drill Bids on Proposed 8,000 Meter Drill Program at the Lara Project
31.10.24 Nova Pacific Metals Completes Preliminary Field Reconnaissance and Enters into Marketing Agreements
30.10.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Closing of Its Recently Upsized Financing
07.10.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Engagement of Mineit and Sacré-Davey for Lara Property
01.10.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Upsize in Its Private Placement
18.09.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Director Appointment
22.08.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces Private Placement of Up to $2,000,000
21.08.24 Nova Pacific's Geological Compilation Reveals Historic High Grade Precious Metal Assays at the Lara Gold-Silver-Zinc-Copper Project
16.08.24 Nova Pacific Metals Announces AGM Results and Launch of New Website
31.07.24 Nova Pacific Metals Corp. Completes Mobile Metal Ion Orientation Survey at Lara
23.07.24 Nova Pacific Metals Corp. Files NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Lara Property Including a Mineral Resource Estimate
18.07.24 Nova Pacific Metals Corp. Applies for Lara VMS Deposit Drill Permit and Announces Marketing Agreement
12.07.24 Nova Pacific Metals Corp. Commences Trading on the OTCQB(R) Venture Market
08.07.24 Nova Lithium Corp. Announces Name Change to Nova Pacific Metals Corp.
26.06.24 Nova Lithium Corp. Appoints Mining Veteran Dal Brynelsen to Board of Directors
20.06.24 Nova Lithium Corp. Announces Option to Acquire the Lara VMS Deposit
18.07.22 Nova Lithium Corp. Receives Receipt For Final Prospectus And Announces Initial Public Trading Date
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