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Argent Minerals Ltd.
Argent Minerals Ltd.
Registriert in: Australien WKN: A0NFAM Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: AU000000ARD1 Gold
Heimatbörse: Sydney/Melbourne Alternativ: -
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Symbol: ARD.AX Forum:

Argent Minerals Limited Kempfield Drill Target Update - Surface MMR Success

15.08.2014 | 3:34 Uhr | ABN Newswire
Sydney, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Argent Minerals Ltd. (ASX:ARD) (Argent, Argent Minerals or the Company) is pleased to report an additional significant breakthrough in the trialling of MagnetoMetric Resistivity (MMR) geophysical techniques at the Kempfield Polymetallic Project.

Argent Minerals Managing Director David Busch said, "On 31 July Argent Minerals reported the success of the downhole MMR trial at Kempfield, which responded very clearly and specifically to known rich lead/zinc mineralisation in diamond hole AKDD159 - 18 m @ 9.8% Pb/Zn, 113 g/t Ag & 0.26 g/t Au from 85 m (including 5 m @ 17.9% Pb/Zn, 259 g/t Ag & 0.34 g/t Au from 88 m).

"Today we are able to announce a further, significant breakthrough - the successful trial of Surface MMR over the existing deposit revealed strong current channelling that appears to correlate with known lead/zinc mineralisation. "Additionally, new responses have been observed immediately to the west of the deposit, which support the existence of the interpreted VMS Lenses 3 and 4 (see Figure 1 in link below). This exceeds our expectations, as we were not expecting at this point in the program to detect these new responses while the initial surface MMR survey focused on the existing known mineralisation further to the east for benchmarking and calibration purposes.

"We are impressed with what we are seeing from these preliminary observations. The surface MMR technique appears to be working very well as a low cost, highly specific lead/zinc target detection tool for Kempfield, and now forms a powerful complement to the downhole MMR technique that was verified on 31 July.

"The geophysical contractor is remobilising to Kempfield this weekend, to commence the next stage of Surface MMR surveys over the new VMS lens and feeder zone area, and the Colossal Reef copper mine".

The application of the Surface MMR lead/zinc detection technique is expected to accelerate Argent's exploration efforts at Kempfield, as the Company targets the significant upside potential that it has identified at the project. Surface MMR surveys are planned to continue during August. The detailed analysis currently underway can be expected to continue into early September to allow a comparison of responses in prospective areas and with those from known mineralisation. Argent's goal is a set of clearly delineated lead/zinc/silver targets for drill testing to commence as early as October 2014.

Figure 1 shows the known existing VMS lenses (Lens 1, Lens 2, and the southern portion of Lens 3), each coloured according to the resource estimation block contained lead/zinc (%). The interpreted VMS Lenses 3 and 4 are also shown on the diagram.

Subject to the final results of the continuing analysis, the Surface MMR responses appear to correlate with the richer lead/zinc mineralisation in Lens 2, and the western edge of Lens 1. Importantly, no responses were detected from the predominantly silver/barite mineralisation areas of Lens 1.

Next steps

Two additional Surface MMR surveys will be conducted in the next round. The first will comprise a loop and electrodes positioned to detect lead/zinc mineralisation over the Colossal Reef copper mine area. The Surface MMR technique also has the inherent ability to detect any copper sulphide conductors.

The second Surface MMR survey will be designed to focus on the interpreted Lens 4 and 3 area.

The three sets of Surface MMR response data will then be analysed with the goal of producing a 3D model for incorporation into the existing Micromine model. Argent has upgraded its facilities to Micromine for precise drill target delineation and drill hole planning.

To view diagrams and figures, please visit:

About Argent Minerals Limited:

Argent Minerals Ltd. (ASX:ARD) is an Australian publicly listed company with a 100% interest in a silver/gold project at Kempfield NSW. Work is underway on the preparation of an EIS and a feasibility study for the first stage of the project which will involve heap leaching some 8.8 million tonnes of mainly oxide and transitional material to produce over 9.5 million ounces of silver and 15,000 ounces of gold over a 5 year mine life. Argent is also earning up to a 70% interest in two other NSW projects - gold at West Wyalong and base metals at Sunny Corner.


David Busch, Managing Director
Argent Minerals Ltd.
M: +61-415-613-800
E: david.busch@argentminerals.com.au
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