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Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd.
Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd.
Registriert in: Kanada WKN: A3CM97 Rohstoffe:
Art: Originalaktie ISIN: CA8263XP1041 Gold
Heimatbörse: TSX Venture Alternativ: SMDRF
Währung: CAD    
Symbol: SM.V Forum:
Nachrichten, englisch zu Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd.
09.01.25 Sierra Madre Announces Full Commercial Production at Guitarra Mine Complex
10.12.24 Sierra Madre Declares Industrial Production at the Guitarra Mine Processing Plant
23.10.24 Sierra Madre Announces Test Mining Throughput in Excess of 425 Tonnes per Day at La Guitarra
24.09.24 Sierra Madre Announces Revenues in Excess of US$2.4 Million from Sustained 350 Tonne per Day Production at La Guitarra
18.09.24 Sierra Madre Announces Closing of $500,000 Private Placement
13.09.24 Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd. Announces $500,000 Private Placement
05.09.24 Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd. Provides Positive Update to Test Mining and Processing
30.07.24 Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd. Announces First Silver-Gold Concentrate Shipment
23.07.24 Sierra Madre Commences Test Mining and Processing at Guitarra and Announces Accelerated Timeline to Commercial Production
15.07.24 Sierra Madre Gold and Silver Ltd. Secures Binding Off-Take Agreement for La Guitarra
28.05.24 Sierra Madre Receives Regulatory Approval for Dry Stack Tailings Deposition on Existing Tailings Impoundment
23.05.24 Sierra Madre Announces Francisco Correa as General Manager of La Guitarra Mine and Mill Complex, Grants Incentive Options
08.05.24 Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization Trade Resumption - SM
08.05.24 Sierra Madre Announces US$5 Million Loan from First Majestic Silver for Finalizing Preparations at La Guitarra
08.05.24 Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization Trading Halt - SM
15.03.24 Sierra Madre Announces Closing ff $1 Million Private Placement
26.02.24 Sierra Madre Announces $1 Million Private Placement
08.02.24 Sierra Madre Provides Update on La Guitarra Progress
15.12.23 Sierra Madre Files NI 43-101 Technical Report on Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for La Guitarra
17.11.23 Sierra Madre Announces Conversion of Subscription Receipts
01.11.23 Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization Trade Resumption - SM
01.11.23 Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization Trading Halt - SM
01.11.23 Sierra Madre Increases M&I Silver-Equivalent Resources at La Guitarra by 373% to 27.2 million Ounces, Inferred Silver- Equivalent Resource Increased 204%to 20.2 million Ounces
17.10.23 Sierra Madre Hires Stantec Consulting to Review Tailings Deposition Options
03.10.23 Sierra Madre Announces DTC Eligibility
14.09.23 Sierra Madre Provides Update on District-Scale Exploration at La Guitarra and Extension to Subscription Receipts
07.09.23 Sierra Madre Provides Update on La Guitarra Progress
24.08.23 THE Mining Investment Event of the North 2023, View From The C-Suite
15.08.23 Sierra Madre Drilling Intersects 4.35 Meters of 309 g/t AgEq & 2.5 Meters of 296 g/t AGEQ at the New Taunas Discovery at Tepic Project, Nayarit
28.07.23 Sierra Madre Commences Trading on OTCQX Best Market
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