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Besra Gold Inc Announces: Board Succession

13.12.2024 | 15:09 Uhr | Newsfile

Melbourne, December 13, 2024 - Besra Gold Inc. (ASX: BEZ) (Besra or the Company) advise that Mr. Dato' Lim Khong Soon (Mr. Lim) has informed the Board that he will step down from the role of Chair of Besra. Mr Lim will remain as a Non-Executive Director of the Company.

Mr Lim recognises that the Company's growth, development, and future success will be best served if the Company is fronted by a dynamic, experienced, and independent mining executive who will play the crucial role of Non-Executive Chair.

Besra's Directors collectively support and thank Mr. Lim for his beneficent decision. They confirm they will expeditiously commence a market-wide search for a highly credentialled candidate who can guide Besra's transition into gold production.

Authorised for release by Directors CL Lee and M Higginson.

Michael Higginson
Director and Company Secretary

North America Contact:
James Hamilton
Investor Relation Services
M +1-416-471-4494
E jim@besra.com

To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/233671

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