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Shell plc - Outcome of audit tender process

12.12.2024 | 17:04 Uhr | GlobeNewswire

Shell plc

Outcome of audit tender process

December 12, 2024

Shell plc (the Company) announces that, following the conclusion of a competitive audit tender process led by the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board has approved the proposed re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP (EY) as its external auditor to take effect from, and including, the financial year ending 31 December 2026. The re-appointment is subject to shareholder approval at the Company's 2026 Annual General Meeting.

As a UK public interest entity, we are required to tender our audit every 10 years and rotate every 20 years. EY was first appointed at the AGM in May 2016 after a competitive tender process. We disclosed in our 2023 Annual Report & Accounts that the tender process had commenced, with a view to reaching a conclusion before the end of 2024.


Shell Media Relations

International, UK, European Press: +44 (0)20 7934 5550

LEI number of Shell plc: 21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70

Classification: Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of the United Kingdom

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