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Ellis Martin Report: Empress Royalty Corp.'s: Alexandra Woodyer Sherron - Gold and Silver Royalty and Streaming

10.12.2024 | 10:40 Uhr | ABN Newswire
Malibu, CA, United States - In this segment of The Ellis Martin Report and Money Talk Radio we visit with Alexandra Woodyer Sherron, President and CEO of Empress Royalty Corp. (CVE:EMPR) (OTCMKTS:EMPYF). Empress Royalty is a global royalty and streaming creation company providing investors with a diversified portfolio of gold and silver investments with projects in Mexico, Peru, Mozambique and South Africa. The company's primary focus is investing in companies that are in production or near-term production.

To Listen to the Interview, please visit:

About Empress Royalty Corp.:

Empress Royalty Corp. (CVE:EMPR) (OTCMKTS:EMPYF). is a global royalty and streaming creation company providing investors with a diversified portfolio of gold and silver investments. Since publicly listing in December 2020, Empress Royalty has built a portfolio of 17 precious metal investments and is actively investing in mining companies with development and production stage projects who require additional non-dilutive capital.

Empress Royalty applies a financially disciplined approach to investing in these cost-effective operations with strong experienced management teams and excellent upside potential. This business model capitalizes on the stable cash flow and long-term capital gains of streaming and royalty investments which allow Empress Royalty to generate revenue and create value for its shareholders.

About The Ellis Martin Report:

The Ellis Martin Report (TEMR) is an internet based radio program showcasing potentially undervalued companies to an audience of potential retail investors and fund managers that comprise our listening audience. TEMR is broadcasted on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel and The Opportunity Radio Network. CEO and company interviews are paid for by those represented on the program.

Empress Royalty Corp. The Ellis Martin Report


+1-604-331-2080 info@empressroyalty.com

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