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Central Petroleum Limited: Mereenie Development Well WM29 Commences

05.12.2024 | 1:31 Uhr | ABN Newswire
Brisbane, Australia - Central Petroleum Ltd. (ASX:CTP) (FRA:C9J) (OTCMKTS:CNPTF) advises that WM29, the first development well in the 2 well programme, was spudded on 5 December 2024 at 0730 hrs ACST.

The Mereenie development wells are expected to return field production capacity back above 30 TJ/d (100% JV) and produce at least 25 PJ of gas (100% JV) over their lifetime. Firm gas from the new wells may be sold into the recently executed NTG GSA which can be expanded by up to 6 TJ/d to generate further cash flow following successful completion of the wells.

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Central Petroleum Limited:

Central Petroleum Limited (Central) is an established ASX-listed Australian oil and gas producer (ASX:CTP) with exploration and appraisal permits in the Northern Territory (NT). Central has grown to become the largest onshore gas operator in the NT, supplying residential and industrial customers in the NT and wider Australian east coast market.

Central is seeking to become a major domestic energy supplier, in addition to helium and naturally occurring hydrogen, with exploration, appraisal and development plans across 169,112 km2 of tenements the NT, including some of Australia's largest known onshore conventional gas prospects in the Amadeus Basin.

Central Petroleum Limited


Investor and Media Inquiries: Greg Bourke: +61-478-318-702 Sarah Morgan: +61-421-664-969

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