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American Rare Earths looks to upgrade resource with drilling in Cowboy State area of Halleck Creek

17.06.2024 | 18:55 Uhr | NewsDirect
American Rare Earths Ltd. CEO Donald Swartz joined Steve Darling from Proactive to announce that the company is preparing to mobilize drillers for a new drilling program set to begin in July. This ambitious project at the Cowboy State Mine will involve drilling approximately 23 holes, covering a total distance of 2,470 meters.

American Rare Earths Ltd. is not only focusing on drilling but is also advancing its processing and leaching test programs. The company plans to utilize around 3 tonnes of core samples from Halleck Creek, along with additional samples collected during the drilling process. These samples will undergo thorough processing and separation testing, based on the current evaluations by Mineral Technologies and SGS Canada. The company anticipates the commencement of these test programs in the third quarter of 2024.

Swartz emphasized the company's dedication to environmental responsibility. American Rare Earths Ltd. has partnered with local firm WWC Engineering to manage and execute baseline environmental data collection at the Cowboy State Mine. This initiative will include comprehensive vegetation and animal monitoring surveys. Further baseline environmental studies will proceed following consultations with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality - Land Quality Division, ensuring that all activities comply with regulatory standards and support sustainable mining practices.

With these significant steps, American Rare Earths Ltd. is poised to make substantial progress in their exploration and development efforts at the Cowboy State Mine, while maintaining a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance.

Contact Details

Proactive USA

+1 347-449-0879


View source version on newsdirect.com: https://newsdirect.com/news/american-rare-earths-looks-to-upgrade-resource-with-drilling-in-cowboy-state-area-of-halleck-creek-753534279
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