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Peloton Minerals Corp: Grant of Options

29.11.2023 | 22:08 Uhr | The Newswire
London, Nov. 29, 2023 - Peloton Minerals Corp. ("PMC" or the "Company") (CSE:PMC) (OTC:PMCCF) has granted a total of 500,000 incentive stock options to a director of the Company. These options are exercisable over five years at an exercise price of $0.11.

For further information please contact:

Edward (Ted) Ellwood, MBA

President & CEO, 1-519-964-2836

Peloton is a reporting issuer in good standing in the Provinces of Ontario and British Columbia whose common shares are listed on the CSE (Symbol: PMC) and trade in the U.S. on the OTC QB (Symbol: PMCCF). There are 123,099,458 common shares issued and outstanding in the capital of the Company.

Peloton's exploration portfolio includes the North Elko Lithium Project, a gold exploration project on the Carlin Trend, Nevada, a past producing gold project in Montana under option to a JV partner, and a non-controlling interest in a copper porphyry project near Butte, Montana.

CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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