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Rio Tinto Ltd.
Rio Tinto Ltd.
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Art: Originalaktie ISIN: AU000000RIO1 Gold
Kali & Phosphate
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Symbol: RIO.AX Forum: GoldSeiten-Forum.de

Rio Tinto takes up full entitlements in ERA rights issue, moving to over 98% ownership

19.11.2024 | 11:11 Uhr | Business Wire

Rio Tinto notes the announcement today by Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (ERA) in relation to the conclusion of its entitlement offer and shortfall bookbuild, which raised A$766.5 million (before costs) to fund planned rehabilitation activities of the Ranger Project Area.

As a result of Rio Tinto taking up its pro rata entitlements in the entitlement offer and the level of participation by other ERA shareholders, Rio Tinto will hold over 98% of ERA's shares.

In accordance with Rio Tinto's previously stated intentions published in ERA's entitlement offer information booklet, Rio Tinto intends to proceed under Part 6A.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) with the compulsory acquisition of all remaining ERA shares that it does not currently own. It is proposing to do so at A$0.002 per ERA share, being the same price as the entitlement offer.

Rio Tinto Chief Executive, Australia, Kellie Parker said: "We remain committed to the successful rehabilitation of the Ranger Project Area to a standard that will establish an environment similar to the adjacent Kakadu National Park, a World Heritage site. Our utmost priority and commitment is to complete this important rehabilitation project in a way that is consistent with the wishes of the Mirarr People.

"Proceeding with compulsory acquisition, after participating for our full entitlement in the ERA capital raising, underlines our commitment to Ranger's rehabilitation."

If compulsory acquisition is completed, Rio Tinto has no intention to invest in mining or development of the Jabiluka deposit.

This announcement is authorised for release to the market by Andy Hodges, Rio Tinto's Group Company Secretary.


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Rio Tinto plc
6 St James's Square
London SW1Y 4AD
United Kingdom
T +44 20 7781 2000
Registered in England
No. 719885

Rio Tinto Ltd.
Level 43, 120 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000
T +61 3 9283 3333
Registered in Australia
ABN 96 004 458 404


Category: ERA

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