08:22 AEST July 19, 2011 ABN Newswire (C) 2004-2011 Asia Business News PL. All Rights Reserved.
Sydney, Australia (ABN Newswire) -
Iron Road Limited (Iron Road, ASX: IRD) is pleased to advise that Stage VI drilling at the Central Eyre Iron Project (CEIP) continues to proceed to plan.
CEIP Summary
- The Stage VI drilling programme investigates the western extension of Murphy South.
- Four rigs drilling diamond tails, with selected holes being extended into the footwall for geotechnical measurements.
- Full and partial traverses completed to date confirm the extension of Murphy South to the west of the Stage V drilling programme.
- Programme on track to define a mineral resource estimate of considerable size and tonnage additional to the current 1.01Bt identified at Murphy South.
Progress to date
Hole Type Metres Completed (m) Holes Completed (No.)
RC (pre-collar- all complete) 5,078 63
Diamond (tail) 11,284 38
The exploration target for Murphy South (western extension), across the 10 traverses designed for the Stage VI drilling programme, is 500-800Mt magnetite gneiss.
The Stage VI drilling programme comprises 64 diamond drill holes for over 25,000m. Cross-sections of traverses A, E and F can be obtained from the full document in the link below. The geology intersected in all traverses thus far is consistent with interpretations from inversion modelling of detailed, high resolution aeromagnetic surveys.
About Iron Road Limited:
Iron Road Limited (ASX: IRD) is an Australia-based company. The Company is engaged in exploration and evaluation of its iron ore ground holdings. Its projects include the Central Eyre Iron project, Gawler Iron project and Windarling Iron project. The Central Eyre Iron Project consists of three distinct prospects: Warramboo, Kopi and Hambidge. The Company focuses on establishing a resource inventory that underpins a 5 to 10 metric tons per annum (Mtpa) magnetite export operation. It contains magnetite-bearing gneiss units with a cumulative strike length. Gawler Iron project includes over ten areas of known iron occurrences, including the Mt Christie deposit. A total of 252 in-situ rock chip and grab samples from 10 localities at the West Gawler project returned an average grade of 53.4% Fe. The Company developed a stage plan of ground work on Windarling project.
For further information, please contact:
Andrew Stocks
Managing Director
Iron Road Limited
Tel: +61-8-9200-6020
Mob: +61-403-226-748
Email: astocks@ironroadlimited.com.au
Shane Murphy or Sarah Browne
Tel: +61-8-9386-1233
Mob: +61-420-945-291 / +61-439-841-395
Email: shane.murphy@fd.com.au
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